Stabilizing the Streambank
On Wednesday, May 19th from 9am-2pm, join PSCW for this special workshop on streambank restoration! Led by Dr. Chris Haring, this workshop will include an online introduction to erosion and control practices in the morning, followed by an afternoon of field visits to see erosion control in action.
This workshop is FREE to attend and open to everyone! Email us at info@partnersofscottcountywatersheds.org to register today!
9:00 am – Zoom Presentation | 11:15 am – Lunch | 12:30 pm – Field Visit |
-The Issue with Erosion -Erosion Control Practices -Application of Erosion Control | Break for lunch on your own | -Meet at Marquette Park -View grade control structures & other stabilization controls |
About the Presenter

Dr. Haring is a professional geologist with over 25 years of experience in hydrology/hydraulics, river engineering and fluvial geomorphology with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and private consulting. His work experience includes the design, review, and construction of streambank restoration and stabilization measures, including bioengineering, re-directive and bank line protection, streambed-grade control structures, channel and floodplain restoration projects, and watershed assessments. Dr. Haring also works closely with the ERDC’s Environmental Lab conducting geomorphic and river engineering research on streambank stabilization measures and the development of an urban stream restoration manual. He has completed over 400 stabilization and restoration projects using various practices and reviewed designs for the State of Illinois on another 600 plus projects since 2003.
Questions? Contact PSCW Coordinator Kelsi DeNoyer at 563-336-3378 or kdenoyer@eicc.edu