The City of Dyersville, home of Field of Dreams movie site, is leading efforts to improve the water quality of its streams while providing economic development opportunities. The vision plan unites public, rural and downtown private partners with the mantra “If you clean the water, they will come”! The confluence of funding for water quality practices, brownfield redevelopment, and stream restoration, provides the framework needed to throw the first pitch by addressing water quality concerns and improve river access. Homerun benefit includes a welcoming aesthetic that provides wild places to recreate, enjoy a brew, and/or unplug and connect with nature!
Learn about this great project with the virtual forum on April 20th, from 12:00pm-1:00pm. To register, go to https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_-DQXkR4eRKuZnTb4P-5JJg
About the Speakers

Judith E. Joyce
Ms. Joyce is a geomorphologist specializing in watershed planning, streams, wetlands, soils, plants, and hydrological studies. Her passion is to finds ways to bring nature back into communities by incorporating nature play areas and utilizing a variety of outside the box funding sources and partnerships.

Reid Stamer
Reid is a Stream Restoration Ecologist with over 10 years of experience in stream, wetland, and natural areas assessment and restoration. He specializes in using natural materials and native vegetation to restore hydraulic, physiochemical, and biological functions to degraded streams, wetlands, and watersheds.
Learn more about this project at www.impact7g.com/projects/field-of-dreams-watershed-bear-creek-restoration/