In 2010, a Duck Creek Watershed Management Plan was created using protocol from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency, to address the E. coli bacteria impairment on Duck Creek. The plan entails information about the watershed including; watershed anatomy, land use, resource and physical characteristics, community involvement, pollutants and analysis, sources defined and recommendations, targets and load reductions, goals and objectives, a prioritized implementation plan, monitoring plan and technical and financial resources. In 2011, the plan was approved by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Click here to download the Duck Creek Watershed Management Plan
The plan was used to obtain a $177,640 in funding through the DNR Watershed Implementation Grant. Over the next three years, the grant funded tasks related to removing Duck Creek’s E. coli bacteria impairment including coordinator salary, a cost share on urban infiltration practices in critical subwatersheds, a pet waste campaign (including pet waste stations along the Duck Creek Parkway and the creation and distribution of informational brochures and personal pet waste disposal systems) and an awareness and education campaign (including a website, booth exhibit, billboards and a public service announcement). Increased water quality monitoring was also implemented on Duck Creek and its tributaries.
In 2019, Partners of Scott County Watersheds (PSCW) in conjunction with the Scott County Conservation Department initiated a study to determine the water quality coming into and within Pride Lake. Pride Lake is located in Scott County Park in central Scott County, and is part of the Scott County Conservation Department park system. The purpose of the study was to determine issues which may be impacting Pride Lake, as to best manage the lake and prolong its lifespan.