Our May forum was previously postponed due to technical issues, but we’re excited to share a reschedule date!
Be sure to join us on Tuesday, August 2nd from 12-1pm for the following presentation:
Robin Creek Watershed-Stakeholder’s Sense of Place, Socio-demographic Profile, and Riparian Zone Biodiversity
The Augustana College Environmental Studies department will share the findings from their assessment of the Robin Creek Watershed, a tributary of Duck Creek. Listen as students and faculty present their findings about stakeholder’s sense of place and the biodiversity of the riparian corridor, as well as the potential implications for resilience to future disturbances and stresses.
Register today at https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82354491104
Robin Creek Watershed Reports
About the Speakers

Dr. Kevin Geedy
is an aquatic ecologist by training and teaches in the biology department at Augustana. He has spent the past nine summers mentoring undergraduates tackling a diverse array of urban and agricultural watershed research topics.

Dr. Michael Reisner
is the director of the Upper Mississippi Center Center for Sustainable Communities at Augustana. He also teaches in the environmental studies program and has a background in environmental policy and forest ecology.