Creatures of the Not-So-Deep: Mussels in Iowa
Freshwater mussels are good indicators of aquatic ecosystem health, as well as nature’s water filtration system. Almost all species of mussel in Iowa are now considered as species of greatest conservation need. Learn more about the unique life cycles of mussels, which species we have in Iowa, and the interconnectedness between all members of the aquatic community.
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About the Speaker
Jennifer Kurth is a Natural Resources Biologist in the Water Quality Improvement Section of the Iowa DNR. In the past she worked on determining the causes of biological impairments and now coordinates the monitoring and data management for the DNR sponsored watershed improvement projects. Her area of expertise is freshwater mussels and has conducted a seven-year, statewide freshwater mussel survey for Iowa’s interior rivers and streams.
Questions? Contact Jen at or 515-639-8464