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Please check back in for our July Forum.
The Iowa Flood Center: Helping Iowans Understand and Reduce Flood Risks
Following the 2008 floods in Iowa that impacted 85 out of 99 counties and caused an estimated $3.5 billion in flood damages, Iowa legislators established the Iowa Flood Center (IFC) at the University of Iowa. The Iowa Flood Center provides accurate, science-based information to help Iowans better understand and reduce flood risks. The IFC-developed Iowa Flood Information System (IFIS) online tool puts critical information in the hands of emergency responders, decision-makers, home- and business- owners, and landowners.
Led by Breanna Shea, this presentation will introduce the establishment of the Iowa Flood Center, provide an overview of IFIS and how it’s used, and will highlight projects and activities the center is leading to help improve Iowa’s flood resiliency and share its expertise.
Join us on Tuesday, June 21st from 12-1pm for this free forum! Register today at

About the Speaker
Breanna Shea serves as communications specialist for the Iowa Flood Center. She develops and implements communications and outreach programs for IFC projects. This includes serving as an effective and knowledgeable liaison between IFC researchers and external stakeholders, including agency personnel, policymakers, community leaders, and the public.

Click here to learn more about the Iowa Flood Center: