LSAMP Blanding’s Turtle Research
Join Jimmy Wiebler, Nahant Marsh Naturalist and Research Coordinator, to learn about the Blanding’s turtle research being conducted at the marsh. Blanding’s turtles are a state-threated species in Iowa, and Jimmy and his team of summer research interns have been studying population dynamics and movement patterns of these charismatic turtles. Participants will also learn about their recent success in head-starting Blanding’s turtles to help supplement a local population at Nahant Marsh. The information gained from these studies helps Nahant better protect this species of conservation concern.
PSCW is excited to host this free forum on Tuesday, August 17th from 12-1pm. Register today at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_fGY2R_k-TG2RnWYQw5myeA
About the Speaker

Jimmy Wiebler is an AmeriCorps Educator and Research Coordinator at Nahant Marsh Education Center and has been in his position since 2018. He is also an adjunct instructor at Muscatine Community College and teach various conservation courses through the Conservation Technology program at Nahant Marsh. Jimmy received his Bachelor’s degree in biology from Augustana College, Rock Island, IL (2014) and his Master’s degree in biology from Miami University, Oxford, OH (2018). As an undergraduate and graduate student, Jimmy studied hibernation physiology of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) and wood frogs (Rana sylvatica), and his research on those species were recently published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. When he is not at Nahant Marsh, Jimmy enjoys being outdoors studying anything in nature; hunting and cooking wild game; birding; and spending time with his family.