The 2021 Summer Snapshot registration is now open!
Join PSCW for our annual summer water quality monitoring event! This is your chance to get your hands down and dirty with water quality science. Participate as a citizen scientist, and collect data using chemical water quality equipment and biologic parameters. Don’t worry if this sounds too fancy- we provide quick and easy training!
This year’s summer snapshot is on Saturday, July 17th from 8:00am-12:00pm. Participants will begin the day by meeting at the Eldridge Fire Department for a brief overview about water quality and quick training on how to collect the data. During this time, you’ll be able to meet your data collection group while enjoying some coffee and donuts!
After training, you and your group of 3-4 people will take off to collect data from 5-7 sites around Scott County. This data will include pH, nitrogen, chloride, and phosphorus levels, along with the presence of water bugs! After collecting this information from each site, groups will meet back at the Eldridge Fire Department for free pizza and t-shirts.
The data collected from our Snapshot goes to one of the largest water quality databases in Iowa. This data is then analyzed for patterns and trends to identify any areas of impairment. With this information, PSCW can take the next steps to continue to protect and improve the county’s water quality.
Register today at www.xstreamcleanup.org/event/summer-snapshot-volunteer-water-quality-monitoring-event-july-17-2021
Special thank you to MidAmerican for co-sponsoring this event and providing lunch for volunteers.