Finding Creative Ways to Fund Conservation: Nahant Marsh’s Wetland Mitigation Bank
After 5 years of planning, Nahant Marsh recently finished construction of a Wetland Mitigation Bank. This mitigation bank will allow Nahant Marsh to restore and expand wetlands in Southwest Davenport, while providing future funding for meeting it’s mission of protecting and enhancing the marsh through conservation, research, and education.
Join PSCW and Nahant Marsh Executive Director, Brian Ritter, to learn more about wetland mitigation banks, Nahant’s process, and other creative ways to fund conservation. This free forum will take place via Zoom on Tuesday, July 20th from 12-1pm. Register today at https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yIK2UjhBTrKvNBbgIlzc4w

About the Speaker
Brian Ritter serves as the Executive Director of Nahant Marsh and the Coordinator and Faculty for Eastern Iowa Community Colleges’ Conservation program. Brian started his career his career with EICC in 2002 as science faculty, and has been serving as Nahant Marsh since 2007. Brian has a BS in Psychology with a minor in Biology from St. Ambrose University, an MS in Community Health from Western Illinois University with additional advanced coursework and training in biology, wildland firefighting, and wetland ecology.
Brian serves on the Friends of Fairmount Cemetery and Prairie, the Schuetzen Park Gilde, the Partners of Scott County Watersheds Board, the Scott County Integrated Roadside Vegetation Management Advisory Committee, the Our Lady of the Prairie Retreat Center Advisory Committee, and the Louisa Ecological Area Advisory Committee (for Bayer Crop Science and MidAmerican Energy).
Learn more about Nahant Marsh and their conservation efforts at www.nahantmarsh.org/