August’s forum speaker will be Al Frohlich, Project Manager with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Rock Island District Regulatory Branch. He has been with the Corps for 21 years and the past 14 in the Regulatory Program. Al has a B.S. from the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point in Environmental Education/Interpretation and is originally from Indianapolis, Indiana. In his role with the Corps, Al issues permits under Sections 404 of the Clean Water Act for projects that impact wetlands and Waters of the U.S.. In addition to writing permits, he investigates unauthorized wetland fills, completes compliance inspections, assists land owners with wetland delineations and teaches wetland delineation (among other things).
The presentation will discuss the Corps Regulatory permitting program, types of permits, wetland delineation and an update on where the proposed definition of Waters of the U.S. process is. There will be ample time for discussion and questions regarding the Corps Regulatory Program.
There are 2 chances to see Al’s presentation. Please RSVP to Cassie at [email protected] and mention which program you plan to attend.
Aug. 20 from 12:00-1:00pm at the Davenport Public Library-Eastern Ave. Branch (6000 Eastern Ave., Davenport, IA). RSVP and $5 required for lunch.
Aug. 20 from 5:00-6:00pm at the Walcott Library 101 E Durant St., Walcott, IA. Drinks and snacks will be provided.